Sunday, 9 May 2010

Week 30 Of My Journey Getting To New York.

Can you believe I only have 11 weeks to go before I fly off too...concrete jungle where dreams are made of....there's nothing you can't do- whoo! New York I'm coming baby lol.

This week I sat down and made a 11 week plan/checklist as there is still a lot that needs to be done. The most important is to find a work placement, set up as many meetings as possible, book my flight, sort out my insurance to name a few.

However I managed to put down a substantial amount of money this week- thank God. This has allowed me to pay off my rent on the apartment in New York, thankfully that is now out the way and one less thing to worry about. Booking my flight has been delayed as the apartment was more of a priority. It's always nice to get the most expensive thing out the way first- right?!?!?. Plus I'm still hoping that they'll be some miraculous deal where flights are £400 (side-eye)

It's so funny how you can save money when you have a goal in mind. I really need to get my savings in check on my return form as this trip has proved I can save when pushed too. I won't lie the next few months will be extremely tight and I'll probably have to eat beans on toast but it'll all be worth it in the end. At least I can say I did something big for 2010.
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