Quick ways too update the dull winter attire, the leather driving glove. This fashion accessory is too hot to not own at least one pair. I own a purple and red pair and am hoping to bag a yellow pair before the months out. As I said before try to avoid black as I'm sure you all have more than enough black in your wardrobe already lol. Plus these wont break the bank, you can pick up a pair for £6. Go on be brave and daring and clash a bright pair of gloves with a red, navy or grey coat. I dare ya!
Is it me or is Mel B looking good? I have to give props where props are due and my girl’s body is looking on point. Now I've been going to the gym for nearly a year now and my abs still don't quite look like this, although I’m not that far off me thinks. A friend of mine has just brought the DVD good luck! Not meaning to sound sceptical but it’s not really hard for these celebs to look good is it?!??! I don’t doubt that they don’t work extremely hard to achieve the perfect body- whatever that is. However they don’t really have to be at work for 9am everyday giving them more time than the average every day person. Then they have personal trainers who can push them way beyond their limits. Unlike me who after jogging for 20mins and the stitch kicks in decides to throw in the towel. Not good enough really! I’m sure they all have nutritionists and personal chefs who can cook healthy but appealing food. Endless money to look groomed beyond perfection, and when their hair sweats out they can go to the salon or call their personal hair dresser round to salvage the look.
For all those struggling to kick start their fitness, recap on Kanye's work out plan "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and get those sit-ups right in…..”
Hey Ladies I've been saying for a minute that this is the season for colours. Now if you don’t have the funds to be buying a new coat, bag or shoes every week. Then invest in accessories which can include make-up YEAH!
Milly Tilly told me about this website called scandalous beauty. I must say I am very impressed, not only does it advise you on skin and make-up products. It also has video clips demonstrating on how to apply your make-up. This is excellent news as I still haven’t mastered the whole smokey- eye effect, and for all those who tried to mock me wearing blue eye shadow you’ll see….
I'm a young woman who loves to meet people. More importantly I love to talk! Not just about any old thing but the element of life that brings us as women and men together...emotions, heart ache, companion ship, love etc. I'm currently studying a counselling degree and will eventually be a qualified relationship counsellor.