Thursday 19 March 2009

Diddy's top ten....

I used to be an avid fan of Making the Band and any one who watched season 4 will remember Diddy’s phrase bitchassness. He has not only produced a t-shirt but gone as far as to make a list (see below). Although I don’t love the phrase I do have to agree with some of his points especially 9, 4 and 1. I bet these t-shirts sell like hot cakes.

10.guys who wear pants so tight u can see their calf muscles and CLAIM they’re straight! that’s
9.the definition of bitchassness is telling someone they cant do something because you failed at it yourself.
8.BITCHASSNESS = Tellin people your weave is your hair…. COME ON NOW LADIES. He will know when he touches it….lol definition of Bitchassness? A.I.G….!!! (What’s a.i.g.)?
6. black folk that wear colored contacts… LOL LOL!!!!!
5.women that lie & say they dont put out on the first date… LOL!!!
4.BitchAssNess is when someone’s negativity or negative qualities drag down the efforts of us as individuals…
3.bitchassness is not taking care of ur kids, because the baby mamas don’t want to take care of you!! LOL!!
2.tweeters who expect to get a reply to EVERYTHING they say-”i’m not following diddy anymore, he nvr tweets back!”
1. bitchassness=giving up on your dreams!.. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!

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