Friday, 8 May 2009

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons is the PREQUEL not a sequel to Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. After an initial slow start the movie began to pick up pace, it was okay I'd give it a 5/10. There were plenty of twist and shocks throughout and it made the city of Rome look very picturesque. They seem to be promoting this film really hard, but I doubt it will be this year’s blockbuster.


Matilda Egere-Cooper said...

3 sentences you know. LOL

K-HART said...

i couldn't muster anything more!

Ondo Lady said...

The Da Vinci Code sent me to sleep so I won't be wasting my time to see this. You are right about the promotion - Tom Hanks was on Jonathon Ross last night and he was very charming and funny but not enough for me to go and see it.

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