Monday, 8 June 2009

Drama week 5.....

I've officially reached the half-way mark within my course-hoorah! Today's class was about letting go of your inhibitions and really getting into character. We did our usual warm up exercises which consisted of reciting doh-ray-me-fah-so-lah-tee-doh, mini role-plays and breathing exercises. We then got into pairs where one of us was an alien from another planet and the other was the translator, of course I chose the role of the alien. Then we had to recite a scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid and Pulp Fiction.
Howah our tutor told us to get deep into character and to pretend we are with the people who make us most comfortable, to speak and act like the character and really get into the zone. As time goes on she is pushing us to loose all doubts and self-consciousness and to just be free and not worry what others are thinking. This week’s homework is to observe how we talk as well as others, how we portray our body language the pace of our speech the pitch and most importantly the tone.

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