This week I put some more money aside whoo hoo. Don't get it twisted I'm not dealing with hundreds here, but as Tesco's advertising campaign states 'every little counts'. To see my funds slowly....slowly rising gives me more of an incentive to save, save, save. Although I do love to shop, shop, shop (side-eye).
I’m still in the process of job hunting but wasn’t as pro-active this week as I intended. My sistrin reminded me how I used to avidly talk about getting into extra work. So this week I pulled my finger out and researched some extra agencies. The one thing that stopped me pursuing extra work was getting my pictures done. I thought I could get a friend to take them on a digital camera……NO! Thankfully my home girl who is a proffessional photographer has come to my aid once again and we’re going to take my pictures this week. Extra work consists of a lot of sitting around but its quick well paid money and you never know I may become the new Chelsea in Eastenders (joke). Plus it adds another string to my bow
I think as well as saving money, finding a new job and hollering at companies in New York, I still need to build up my experience here. There are still so many different things I could be doing and I'm looking forward to what 2010 will bring.
oooh the possibilities are endless, I'm very excited for you. I may need to take on board some of your tips myself...its clichéd but I need to make 2010 my year
You go girl!
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