Sunday, 21 February 2010

Week 19 Of My Journey Getting To New York.

This week has been a week of clarity and oh how clarity can give you so much peace! (I’ll get back to that later). I still have to renew my passport and I planned to send it of this week but I had to ensure that all my bills and outgoings where dealt with first. Now what ever money comes in within the next 2 weeks are solely for New York. Plus it only takes 6 weeks for me to get my passport back so I will definitely send it off in March. I will also put away my lump sum of money towards my rent in a couple of weeks as money’s coming in dribs and drabs at the moment. I've become so much more disciplined with my expenditure, not that I was that bad before. I tend to think more before I buy instead of impulse buying. We all know how I love my shoes and clothes.

As I stated earlier this week has been a week of confirmation on so many levels (thank you Jesus). I’ve been kind of lost over the past few months wondering what my next step would be career wise etc, not any more yo! I now KNOW which direction I’m heading in and what steps need to be taken. All will be revealed in due time. I’ve chosen not to say too much as I want my actions to do the talking for 2010. I feel like its January 1st again that’s the level of faith, excitement and determination I have with this.

A few months ago I mentioned that I would be doing my first guest speaking session at Kingston University. A date has now been pencilled in for the 17th of March, I’m a little nervous but mostly excited. I‘ve always wanted to give back and I believe people can learn from my media experiences. I know once I start I won’t stop rambling on (that should fill the awkward silences). What has this got to do with my New York journey you ask?!?!? It’s all confidence building, if I can talk in front of a group of 100 people then I can go and meet Diddy at Bad Boy Records lol. We all know how far confidence will take you! I was a little concerned that my Drama and Vocal Training course would go to waste but it seems my investment is beginning to pay off.

1 comment:

Fab Black Woman said...

wow, the Lord really has been preparing you in that sense. You might have thought the vocal training wasbt important and now look ! I'm amazed. Keep pursuing your dreams x

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