Monday, 5 October 2009

Life with my Crackberry

It's been nearly a month since I converged to the world of Blackberry and I can honestly say there is no going back for me. I got the Curve 8900 as it is small and compact but now wonder if I should have got the Bold-never mind.

I can't even front for the first few days I would leave it out on the desk at work (show off) and would whip it out on the bus at every opportunity. I kind of felt important typing away like I was the president of the country or something lol. I love the features i.e. free internet browsing, access to my e-mails. Most importantly Blackberry Messenger- who doesn't want to talk for free?

The novelty has now worn off and I often put my Messenger status as unavailable as the Crack/Blackberry has become too addictive and distracting. It got so bad that I would meet with friends and we would both be on our phones without conversing with one another tut! However I still wouldn't exchange it for my predecessor the Nokia 6500 classic- boooooooooo!

Back in my day we had bricks for phones, with no text, no camera, no music etc. I tell ya these kids don't know how lucky they are!

1 comment:

Ondo Lady said...

LOL!! You remind me of me when I got my Blackberry but the difference is that the noveltly has not worn off and I am still in love with it as ever. Welcome to the land of the Blackberry lady.

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