Sunday, 15 November 2009

Week 5 Of My Journey Getting To New York.

Not much to report this week. It seems things have slowed down a little but I'm not too concerned. Maybe because I've still got a few months on my hands before the pressure really begins. I've started cold calling companies about internships/work and the main response is that you have to be a student. This is what happened last year so I know I'm going to be pushed way out of my comfort zone and will have to knock on doors whilst out there. The thought alone scares me but I can't let history repeat itself. Plus I think companies are impressed when you just turn up and sell yourself. I may have to change up my A game when conversing with people stateside. It's all about the gift of the gab, something I need to work on. Otherwise I'll get swallowed up amongst the uber confident Americans.

I haven't saved as much money as I would have liked either. Funny enough although I hate getting out of my bed so early these extra shifts have been a blessing. I am a little anxious with regards to how things are going to pan out, will I get the placements I want. Where will I stay this time round? Can I afford to do three months only God knows? I can't pre-empt what will happen and I can only take one day at a time.


Matilda Egere-Cooper said...

Mmmmm, I hear that. but saving the little cash will add up to much. A £25 coat is about 2 weeks subway fare in NY. Or a week of meals.

Just saying (wink)

I've gotta do the same thing - £25 coat is a SD Memory card for my camera, and those are the sort of things I need x

Ondo Lady said...

I really do admire your discipline and focus, I wish I had it when I was in my 20s. In terms of raising some cash how an ebay clearout or a good old fashion boot sale?

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