Thursday, 18 March 2010

Carbs Not Good!

These damn carbohydrates are becoming the bane for me! For the last couple of weeks my stomach has been feeling extremely bloated and I couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t an unbearable feeling just a little uncomfortable from time to time. I now know it’s down to the carbs and unfortunately my age. Long are the days when I could just yam anything and not worry about my shape/ weight altering? Not any more I tell ya I’m 29 this year and my metabolism has well and truly s-l-o-w-e-d down. I can feel the middle aged spread slowing trying to grab me lol. I used to laugh it off when people would say you’re lucky, you’re at the age you can eat what you want, not any more yo.

All jokes aside I’m an avid fitness bunny and go to the gym at least 3 times a week plus throw in a game of squash. So I’m quite fortunate to have a decent physique at the same time I want this shape within the next 5 years. I need to now start watching what I eat and resist the Jaffa Cakes, Doritos, Haribo you name it. I’m a sucker for all things that aren’t good for me. I’ve got such a sweet tooth, but this bloated feeling is just not worth it. So I’ve decided to not eat carbohydrates so late at night any more (cut off is 7pm) and be more disciplined with my diet. I really want my washboard stomach this summer and the gym alone is not cutting it.

**PS I’m going to a free boot camp session next Monday so that should be interesting and no where near FUN at all!


Fab Black Woman said...

you go girl!

Ondo Lady said...

Oh I feel your pain. My metabolism has truly slowed down and I can no longer eat whatever I like and when I like. I also had the same problem with carbs but since I cut them down I have been feeling better. Also joined the gym a few weeks back and that has made a HUGE difference to my well being. We have to look after ourselves eh.

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