Monday 3 August 2009


Am I the only person on the planet who doesn’t own a Black (Crack) berry?!?!?! What is up with that? They have become so standard that even school kids own them and that’s saying something- geez! After a meeting with the blogger ladies yesterday I felt a little out of place when I noticed everybody’s phone on the table happened to be a blackberry- sigh! I have so had enough of my Nokia ... what ever the number is. This is the wackiest phone ever!!!!

I can honestly say I actually need a Blackberry now as there have been too many occasions when I have missed that all important e-mail. Or the dreaded exchange of contact details (which isn’t a problem for you blackberry owners). Unfortunately for me I have to resort too rummaging for a piece of scrap paper and a pen (how embarrassing).

I have now spoken to T-mobile and they have informed me that my upgrade is due on the 16th of August. I am literally counting down the days...


Unknown said...

LOL I didn't have one!! I have the wackest phone ever but I just can't be bothered to go out of my way to change it - I'd rather spend the money at MAC! LOL

K-HART said...

MAC lol I hear ya girl,

I'd rather spend my money on shoes, I need deliverance!

Matilda Egere-Cooper said...

Yea you do.

Anywho (lol), I look forward to your entry into the BB society...a day after my b-day and all. Fantastic!

Laverne SoFrolushes said...

Blackberries are lovely. I used to be a Nokia stan but now Blackberry gets my loyalty so useful

MsQuiche said...

I don't have one either. I was tempted to get a BB when I got my upgrade in the New Year, but decided against it as I spend far too much time on FB/Twitter/email already.

Hope you enjoy yours though.

Fab Black Woman said...

lol the scrap paper!
made me laugh out loud! I've got one but need to pay off ther bill lol so its as good as ..well not good at all!
oh dear.
and i was the first to say anyone with a BB without the internet is not serious.

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