Sunday, 29 November 2009

Week 7 Of My Journey getting To New York.

This week I have returned to being disciplined with my money and put some funds aside for NYC. I currently have two accounts one for getting me to New York and the other is for when I get back as who knows what my financial situation will be on my return. I confess I don’t have half as much money as I would have liked at this stage so it’s imperative that I get another job. It will probably be on a weekend and some form of retail but I don't mind sacrificing my Saturday’s for a few months. The graveyard shifts that I currently do on the weekend are coming to an end and whilst I complained about them at first they have been a blessing financially.

On another note I’ve offered my services to go and talk to the youth dem at Universities. I've been wanting to give back to others for a while now and if my experiences can help others then so be it as we all know this media game is not easy! I bumped into a lecturer at work last weekend and we got talking and I explained my desire to do more public speaking. As it’s been pushed aside since my Vocal and Drama training course. So I’m set to do a talk at Kingston University before the year is out and another talk in January. I truly believe this will come in handy for when I go the States, not only does it build up my experience it will give me more confidence. If I can talk in front of a class of  adults/teenagers I don't know then surely I  can talk to the boss at Hot 97 (you'd like to think so huh).


Fab Black Woman said...

Gwaan wid your bad self..gonna be speaking at my old Uni! xx

fashionbytes said...

well done miss hartley...speaking at my old uni to! keep persevering and you will get to where you want to be.

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