Sunday, 7 March 2010

Week 21 Of My Journey Getting To New York.

It's week 21 of my journey getting to New York and I have 21 weeks left until I depart. I find that I'm pushed to work harder as time is ticking. You know how it goes some people work better under pressure.

This week has just been about contacts, contacts and more contacts. I took the plunge and started to call up media companies. Time is flying and I can't rely on e-mails alone. I must confess the 1st company I called in the states I left the phone ring a couple of times and then put it down. Yes I hold my hands up I left fear get the better of me for a split second and then I took the plunge and started to make those all important phone calls. Surprise surprise it wasn't all that bad! Obviously the more companies I call the easier it gets. I was hoping that the companies I contacted would be like yeah sure of course you can and come and work for us. However the general response was to follow up with an e-mail or to contact some one else. I must remember to be patient and that most things don't happen instantly. Just because there's a delay doesn't mean it won't happen! Most importantly I must trust in the Lord.

Just as strong muscles are built by lifting heavier and heavier weights, confidence is built by taking on bigger and bigger challenges (Ralph Marshton). I find this is so the case as my confidence grew when I went to New York two years ago and I'm pretty sure it will grow even more this time round.

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